Bali Island

15 things to do in Bali

15 things to do in Bali

1. Find your personal place of power in Bali.
2. Watch how rice grows in Bali.
3. Attend a traditional Balinese dance performance.
4. Soak in hot springs inside the caldera of Mount Batur.
5. Visit three monkey parks on the island and interact with the playful primates.
6. Visit Bali’s chocolate factory and buy a kilogram of the most delicious Balinese chocolate.
7. Take photos on the beach with black sand.
8. Smile at the elephant and kiss his friendly trunk.
9. Propose on Mount Agung, Bali’s holy mountain.
10. Try playing gamelan or angklung, local musical instruments, and take a few lessons.
11. Don’t be afraid of snakes, ants, and cute geckos.
12. Catch the orange mood of the island and share your rays with everyone you meet.
13. Learn the most kind Balinese greetings: Sèlamat pagi – Good morning, Sèlamat siang – Good afternoon, Malam – Good evening.
14. Stop at an orphanage and bring them a kilogram of rice, a kilogram of sugar, and a kilogram of flour.
15. Drink Balinese coconuts and be a happy person.

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