Bali Island

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Hello, dear readers! Today we will tell you about Bingin Beach, located on the Bukit Peninsula. Bingin is an atmospheric beach surrounded by cliffs, and during low tide, you can walk to Dreamland Beach. Bingin Beach stretches for 500 meters and has around ten warungs (small restaurants) and a few small homestays along the shore. The entry into the water is rocky, but there are sandy corridors. However, please note that there are always big waves here, except during deep low tide. The beach could be strictly considered a surfer’s beach, although tourists still attempt to swim and battle the waves. Remember that there are corals and sharp rocks present when entering the water at Bingin, so be careful. It’s better to wait for low tide when the waves recede, the bottom is visible, and it’s easier to navigate.

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Advantages of Bingin Beach: There are plenty of opportunities for surfing on this beach. Additionally, Bingin is known for its beautiful sunset. It’s stunning and picturesque. You can also take a walk to Dreamland (just make sure to return before high tide). Be cautious: It’s better not to swim during high tide as the ocean waves can be quite strong. Although the beach is clean, there is broken glass present, and its origin remains a mystery.

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

Cliffs, waves, surfing – Bingin Beach

We are always happy to share the magic of Bali Island with positive people!

Sincerely, Bali Open Group, authors of the blog



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