Bali Island

10 Ways to Feel Energetically Comfortable in Bali

10 Ways to Feel Energetically Comfortable in Bali

? Look for Mount Agung in the morning. Keep your eyes on it throughout the day. And when you see it, feel it and start a conversation. Bless and give thanks. It is big and majestic. There, the little dragon Vasuki resides. The gods and ancestral spirits live there. The spirit of the volcano resides there. Everything is under its control.

? Water is the island’s primary magical instrument. “Agama Tirta” is the religion of holy water. Water purifies, blesses, heals, and restores. Bless the water. Stand under its streams. Visit springs or waterfalls frequently, at least once a week. Cleanse your structures by simply standing under the flow of water.

? Offerings to the spirits. Bali is a place where the entire invisible world is alive, and anyone can feel it. Each spirit is ready to communicate with you. Find your way to make this communication at least constructive. Sometimes, following Balinese customs, a simple offering is enough to keep the spirits at bay. Flowers, a little food, water. For very malevolent spirits, Balinese people make sacrifices. We hope you find your way.☺️

? Yoga. Concentrating on the body and spirit greatly helps, allowing you to not fly too far and stay grounded.

? Meditations, prayers, mantras – all allow you to be in the “here and now” state and focus on the moment, thus grounding yourself. In Bali, things are not linear, and it’s easy to lose your direction if you’re not grounded in the present moment.

? Do something useful for the island. Find your own way that resonates with you. Clean up the island from garbage. Help children’s homes. Assist large families. Aid grandmothers. Plant trees. Find your own path.?

? Follow the white rabbit of the moon. In Bali, the moon greatly influences humans. Follow its rhythms. Carry a lunar calendar with you. The moon is strong here, like nowhere else.

We are always happy to share the magic of Bali Island with positive people!

Sincerely, Bali Open Group, authors of the blog

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