Bali Island

Goa Raja Waterfall – a wonderful space for children and their parents.

Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.

Today we went to Krisik Waterfall, which we love for its tranquility and exquisite beauty. But on the way, while stuck in Ubud traffic, we noticed a new waterfall on Google Maps, near our original destination. It was Goa Raja Waterfall (air terjun Goa Raja), and the island slightly redirected us there ?. You probably already guessed that we are big fans of waterfall energy and always want more and more waterfalls. Fortunately, paths are now being paved to many inaccessible jungles, giving us the opportunity to visit new magical spaces.?

Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.


We arrived at Goa Raja Waterfall (with a 20 rupee ticket). The descent was fairly easy, followed by a short path along the river with a few bridges, and then we arrived at the most delightful meadow amidst the gorge. There was a natural pool surrounded by cascading water and a large sandy area. Our children immediately said how much they liked it there and had a great time swimming, building sandcastles, and exploring the caves.?

Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.

Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.


Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.


Goa Raja Waterfall - a wonderful space for children and their parents.


We are always happy to share the magic of Bali Island with positive people!

Sincerely, Bali Open Group, authors of the blog

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