Bali Island

Sekumpul and Lemukih Waterfalls – the real magic of Bali

Sekumpul and Lemukih Waterfalls - the real magic of Bali

The other day we went for a walk in the magical aquatorium of the Lemukih-Sekumpul waterfalls. These are some of the most beautiful waterfalls in Bali that transport a person to a pristine past. There is a complex of waterfalls here, where you can see about nine magnificent streams. Here are my impressions of this place, and after that we have already visited it probably a dozen times.

Sekumpul and Lemukih Waterfalls - the real magic of Bali

We have been to the edge of the world, in a lost world, in a reality from the distant past, somewhere in the Mesozoic era or Jurassic period. Incredibly beautiful road, mountains, clouds, rice fields. Then you enter a mountain crevice overgrown with ferns and moss, walking along winding narrow paths without railings, over a precipice.

And you find yourself in a distant and pristine past. It feels like a pterodactyl will fly over your head now, or a ceratopsian lizard or a lively iguanodon will run past. Around us, brightly green ferns swayed with their luxurious fans in the wind. The sun illuminated the canyon with its rays, and everything around played with all colors of the rainbow. We crossed the cool mountain river several times, thanking and stroking the water. We talked to the moss-covered rocks, it seemed they had seen much more than we could imagine. And then they appeared – beauties, incredible, strong, powerful, life-giving. Waterfalls. I haven’t seen such beautiful waterfalls in a long time. It seemed like I was talking to the soul of the island, with its smile, its live energy.

Sekumpul and Lemukih Waterfalls - the real magic of Bali

In childhood, we was fascinated by the stories of Conan Doyle, especially the adventures of Professor Challenger and his team. Yes, there was an expedition to Latin America. But here, in Indonesia, in Bali, there are very similar landscapes that immerse us in that atmosphere. A lost world. Planet Earth. You hold so much beauty. Thank you, Universe.

In general, a must-see! BALIOPEN recommends ?

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